The CD/DVD Library Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I Registered in the past, Why Doesn't My Old Password Work?

Some of you may have noticed that the password for the CD/DVD Library is different from the password for the previous version known simply as The CD Library. This has taken place for two reasons:

In has come to my attention that The CD Library's password has been distributed on the Internet in underground serial number lists. The original intention has always been to keep the password for the CD Librarye the same throughout it's existence, however, some individuals have taken it upon themselves to pass out the password for free. Thus, it was imperative that we change the password for all future versions.

The CD/DVD Library marks a breakthrough from the original template. This new version now no longer requires FileMaker Pro as a parent application. The CD/DVD Library is now a self-running application. With a substantial investment of both time and money into the tools allowing for The CD/DVD Library to fly solo. The difference between CD Library 2.0 and The CD/DVD Library 3.0 is its ability to run on its own without FileMaker Pro, and the enhanced graphics interface. Since all users of CD Library 2.0 have FileMaker, please continue to use CD Library 2.0 knowing that you have all the latest bells and whistles of The CD/DVD Library 3.0.


Mike McGee
Inaka Software


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What Do I Get? | Who Do I Make a Check Out To?
What About Foreign Currency? | Can I Register By Credit Card?
How Do I Change Passwords? (Mac OS)
How Do I Change Passwords? (Windows)
Where Do I Send In The Form & Payment? | What if I Can't Print?
My Old Password Doesn't Work, Why? |
Can I Remove Passwords?
Can I Modify The Layout? | What About Suggestions?